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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Leadership Award Words To Remember from Great Leaders

Conflicts and setbacks allow leaders to develop abilities and characteristics that play a vital part in their future leadership. Past generals such as George Patton, who had dyslexia, and Douglas MacArthur, whose application to West Point was rejected twice, remind today's military leaders that experiencing challenges is part of leadership and does not hinder the ability to lead. As Gen. Dennis J. Reimer, Army Chief of Staff from 1995 to 1999, said, "The role of leadership is to turn challenges into opportunities."

Thus, in the concluding article, we discuss the final four leadership principles -- student of the past, decisiveness, determination, and strong character.


"The only right way of learning the science of war is to read and reread the campaigns of the great captains." -Napoleon

History offers a wealth of information to those who have the foresight to examine it. In addition to obtaining vital technical and tactical knowledge, Soldiers can learn by studying how past leaders performed in the fog of war.

Gen. George Patton was a consummate warrior, known for studying history and acquiring an impressive library of professional military books during his lifetime. At an early age, he chose to become a Soldier. His father nurtured him in the classics, as well as the lore of the Patton family, which was composed of military leaders, including two uncles who were Confederate officers killed in battle.

Unfortunately, Patton had dyslexia, a learning disability not well known or diagnosed at the time. He realized, however, that with determination and constant effort, he could pursue military studies and achieve his goal of becoming a great leader.

He understood the military profession required immense technical competence, knowledge of weapons and equipment, tactics and operations, and maneuvers and logistics. Therefore, he expended vast amounts of time and energy in reading and making copious notes in the pages of his books, making him not only familiar with the field and technical manuals of his time, but also knowledgeable about history.


"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." -President Theodore Roosevelt

In war, lack of decisiveness can have fatal consequences. Once you make up your mind, stick to your decision. Never show yourself to be indecisive.

When Julius Caesar refused to lay down his military command and return to Rome at the end of Gallic Wars, he said, "The die is cast," thus making it clear that his choice was irrevocable.

In 1805, during the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon's empire was threatened by England, Russia, and Austria. During this period, Napoleon was able to compel the Austrian army to surrender without firing a shot through rapid marching and maneuvers.

As a final example, in 1862, at the Battle of Mobile Bay during the American Civil War, Confederate mines blocked Union Adm. David Farragut's path during an attempt to attack a Confederate Navy squadron to seize three forts guarding the bay entrance. In a decisive statement, Farragut said, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."


"You are never beaten until you admit it." -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

A leader must show determination even when others do not. This "never say die" attitude is necessary for your Soldiers to be tirelessly persistent during desperate, bleak, or challenging situations.

Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, acting commander of the 101st Airborne Division during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, is an excellent example. In December 1944, at Bastogne, Belgium, the Germans sent a demand for his surrender. He responded by saying, "Nuts."

To articulate the resolve and determination of his countrymen, Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, gave a number of inspiring speeches during World War II:

-Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat

"I would say to the House, as I said to those who have joined this government: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs -- victory in spite of all terror -- victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival."

-We Shall Fight on the Beaches

"We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

-Their Finest Hour

"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"


"Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be." -Gen. Douglas MacArthur

Gen. of the Army Douglas MacArthur was a historical leader who embodied the definition of strong character. He was a renowned general who won many battles against numerically superior and better-equipped foes and was awarded the Medal of Honor for defending the Philippines during World War II.

MacArthur did not accept anything but the best, even during times of peace, which was evident when he trained the 1927 American Olympic team. With his commanding presence, he pulled together a strong team, retorting, "Americans never quit," in response to the U.S. boxing team manager who wanted to withdraw from the competition due to an unfair decision.

In his acceptance speech for the Sylvanus Thayer Award, one of the most eloquent expressions of leadership principles ever delivered, MacArthur's words speak to today's Soldiers, especially NCOs who are "warrior-leaders of strong character":

"Duty, Honor, Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be ... They build your basic character. They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the Nation's defense. They make you strong enough to know when you are weak, and brave enough to face yourself when you are afraid."


It is a tremendous honor, as an NCO, to lead Soldiers and along with this honor comes the responsibility to do it well. An ideal Army NCO has a sharp intellect, physical presence, professional competence, high moral character, and serves as a role model. He or she is willing to act decisively, within the intent and purpose of those appointed over them and in the best interest of the organization. They recognize organizations built on mutual trust and confidence accomplish peacetime and wartime missions.

An NCO, who is proficient in some of these 12 principles, but deficient in others, will have a detrimental effect on mission success, morale, and the efficacy of leadership. It is therefore imperative that all leaders build competency in all principles and become well rounded.

The men and women of the U.S. military have made countless sacrifices in the service of our great nation. They deserve the best leadership that we can offer, and it is our sacred duty to give it to them. Author Jr Patatas

Saturday, November 16, 2019

ManilaMostWanted: Raffy Tulfo's Wanted Sa Radyo segment RaffyTulfoIn...

ManilaMostWanted: Raffy Tulfo's Wanted Sa Radyo segment RaffyTulfoIn...: Raffy Tulfo's Wanted Sa Radyo segment RaffyTulfoInAction program in Youtube,Facebook and TV5's Radyo Singko TV5, sensationalism of A...
Raffy Tulfo's Wanted Sa Radyo segment RaffyTulfoInAction program in Youtube,Facebook and TV5's Radyo Singko TV5, sensationalism of Adora Ramos as "Reyna ng Gold Diggers" could have been the "finisher" of the suicide by hanging of the Filipina. This probably one of the factors that could be the "finishing piece of the puzzle to commit or pursue the already suicidal tendencies of Adora ,not to add the laughing and mimickry of the host and the complainant American Mr RJ Russell  to the already stressed and devastated by bashings of netizens after effect of the airing of Tulfo's popular and viral show which airs daily and livestreams on social media like Youtube ,Facebook and Instagram and to other blogsites like FB group of MMB2 Barakada in one of it's  crossposts. 


Sunday, October 13, 2019

RaffyTulfo vs Supreme Court of the Philippines

Our say to this topic is in this comment, The show of Mr Raffy Tulfo ,is a separate judicial syatem type of body where the complainant has the launching option of getting justice where the defendant is on a voluntary status of whether he wants to present to the public his/her side of the story, and the host as the "judge" or mediator , or we could also call this as the enforcer of the matter being mediated ,and it is broadcasted live streams on social media (Facebook,Youtube,Instagram) and local and national TV and radio) and becomes the last-resort option of the majority of people in this country of 77% of total population live on the poverty level ,that could not get justice from the regular norms of the justice system of the republic state of democratic government ,where the Supreme Court lies in the Judiciary, and congress composed of the Lower House (Congress) and the Senate represent the Legislative and the 3rd arm of government is the Executive (President and Cabinet secretaries with their departments. , In the Raffy Tulfo in Action show, Mr Raffy Tulfo ,is acknowledged as the Executive,together with his staffs composed of IT expert/s lawyers,social analysts) , while the watcher's netizens,mostly OFW's (working force,labor industries) composed of 37% of population + or - 7% , and act also as the Judiciary thru his lawyers/staffs advisers on a second opinion based option of the host. ,while the Executive , would be the Barangay , DSWD,MSWD,VAWC,PNP ,NBI as the enforcer or part of the Legislative.
This show has a high rating of getting a positive outcome or positive engagements from both parties ,and 89% of all segments became viral or has a high tendency of virality engagements on social media.If Im not istaken ,the show is number 1 in ratings in the whole Southeast Asia in terms of online enggements , based on Youtube and Facebook data** Oct 11 2019 analytics @SoundAnalytics**

Commentary and Editorial

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


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The Politics of Ambi Words and,Phrases

  Ambiguity is a powerful tool of political science.

 a politician might say, "I oppose taxes which hinder economic growth", an example of a glittering generality. Some will think he opposes taxes in general because they hinder economic growth. Others may think he opposes only those taxes that he believes will hinder economic growth. In writing, the sentence can be rewritten to reduce possible misinterpretation, either by adding a comma after "taxes" (to convey the first sense) or by changing "which" to "that" (to convey the second sense) or by rewriting it in other ways. The devious politician hopes that each constituent will interpret the statement in the most desirable way, and think the politician supports everyone's opinion. However, the opposite can also be true – an opponent can turn a positive statement into a bad one if the speaker uses ambiguity (intentionally or not). The logical fallacies of amphiboly and equivocation rely heavily on the use of ambiguous words and phrases.

Lexical Ambiguity -The lexical ambiguity of a word or phrase pertains to its having more than one meaning in the language to which the word belongs.[2] "Meaning" here refers to whatever should be captured by a good dictionary. For instance, the word "bank" has several distinct lexical definitions, including "financial institution" and "edge of a river". Or consider "apothecary". One could say "I bought herbs from the apothecary". This could mean one actually spoke to the apothecary (pharmacist) or went to the apothecary (pharmacy).

 The lexical ambiguity of a word or phrase pertains to its having more than one meaning in the language to which the word belongs.[2] "Meaning" here refers to whatever should be captured by a good dictionary. For instance, the word "bank" has several distinct lexical definitions, including "financial institution" and "edge of a river". Or consider "apothecary". One could say "I bought herbs from the apothecary". This could mean one actually spoke to the apothecary (pharmacist) or went to the apothecary (pharmacy).

Semantic ambiguity occurs when a word, phrase or sentence, taken out of context, has more than one interpretation. In "We saw her duck" (example due to Richard Nordquist), the words "her duck" can refer either
  1. to the person's bird (the noun "duck", modified by the possessive pronoun "her"), or
  2. to a motion she made (the verb "duck", the subject of which is the objective pronoun "her", object of the verb "saw").[3]
Syntactic ambiguity arises when a sentence can have two (or more) different meanings because of the structure of the sentence—its syntax. This is often due to a modifying expression, such as a prepositional phrase, the application of which is unclear. "He ate the cookies on the couch", for example, could mean that he ate those cookies that were on the couch (as opposed to those that were on the table), or it could mean that he was sitting on the couch when he ate the cookies. "To get in, you will need an entrance fee of $10 or your voucher and your drivers' license." This could mean that you need EITHER ten dollars OR BOTH your voucher and your license. Or it could mean that you need your license AND you need EITHER ten dollars OR a voucher. Only rewriting the sentence, or placing appropriate punctuation can resolve a syntactic ambiguity.[3] For the notion of, and theoretic results about, syntactic ambiguity in artificial, formal languages (such as computer programming languages), see Ambiguous grammar.
Usually, semantic and syntactic ambiguity go hand in hand. The sentence "We saw her duck" is also syntactically ambiguous. Conversely, a sentence like "He ate the cookies on the couch" is also semantically ambiguous. Rarely, but occasionally, the different parsings of a syntactically ambiguous phrase result in the same meaning. For example, the command "Cook, cook!" can be parsed as "Cook (noun used as vocative), cook (imperative verb form)!", but also as "Cook (imperative verb form), cook (noun used as vocative)!". It is more common that a syntactically unambiguous phrase has a semantic ambiguity; for example, the lexical ambiguity in "Your boss is a funny man" is purely semantic, leading to the response "Funny ha-ha or funny peculiar?"
Spoken language can contain many more types of ambiguities which are called phonological ambiguities, where there is more than one way to compose a set of sounds into words. For example, "ice cream" and "I scream". Such ambiguity is generally resolved according to the context. A mishearing of such, based on incorrectly resolved ambiguity, is called a mondegreen.
Metonymy involves referring to one entity by the name of a different but closely related entity (for example, using "wheels" to refer to a car, or "Wall Street" to refer to the stock exchanges located on that street or even the entire US financial sector). In the modern vocabulary of critical semiotics, metonymy encompasses any potentially ambiguous word substitution that is based on contextual contiguity (located close together), or a function or process that an object performs, such as "sweet ride" to refer to a nice car. Metonym miscommunication is considered a primary mechanism of linguistic humor.

Researched by @uthor  and Publisher-Creator @http://Facebook.com/p1no1 Publisher of @MMB2chat

ManilaMostWanted: JUNJUN - True Horror Story

ManilaMostWanted: JUNJUN - True Horror Story: JUNJUN - True Horror Story

JUNJUN - True Horror Story

JUNJUN - True Horror Story

barko lumubog sa dagat wala man lang tumalon para magrescue







isang teenage mom and baby jumps into the water off a boat pier possible...

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Defcon, a beginners perspective

Defcon, a beginners perspective

Friday, September 27, 2019







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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Happy Ending Massage Prank to a Friend

Happy Ending Massage Prank to a Friend

US President's at it's best, riding the "attack" ,Divide and Rule" option

US President Trump's reaction on Saudi's major oil processing 's facility (worlds 5%) that US blaming Iran and US not participating in a war , is actually a very clever statement we could get from a US leader, This is actually financially and militarily beneficial to US's interests. The "attack" could be possibly used by US so Saudi's will buy, or spend a chunk of it's wealth to Uncle Sam's thru either weapon systems, security and safety, or thru orders of military instruments beneficial to US ' interests.

Monday, September 23, 2019

One Vital Way of Promoting your Facebook Page is.

A 1101 lesson on Virtual Virality
Here's 1 vital information that helps in promoting your Facebook account , and/or Facebook Page or Facebook fanpage is by "Liking" a Facebook Page or Fanpage , for example , If you want to grow your product or popularity or virality , according to a FB coder or App Developer and of course seconded by Jr. Patatas our Very own self , is by "liking" another FB Page ,When it comes to marketing on Facebook, getting visitors to "like" your business page is one step toward building a loyal fan base. According to the measurement firm Syncapse, and MMB2 MetroManilaBarkada2 , Facebook fans are 41 percent more likely to recommend a business' product over nonfans; evidence that it's important to build your own following as part of your social media marketing strategy. An important facet of this strategy is to like other business' pages -- which could lead to new fans of your own.
so If I will "like" www.fb.com/mmb2chat ,this particular action would be beneficial equally to both pages.
...Follow Jr. Patatas or Followed by 2,069,535,149 people for more FB Basic 101 AppDev Project

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Influencing a Facebook Group or Page

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Fan Pages and Posts

(Based on Studies/Researches)
Okay guys, I admit, I had to read a LOT, to reach the conclusion that ghosts are NOT the best audience for Facebook. Sorry for saying but neither are zombies or witches, who are now becoming quite fashionable again.
What’s this all about? It’s that honestly I don’t get why so many people are still insisting on buying and selling “fans” or “likes”. I’d like to think it’s the ingenuity of that entrepreneurial rookie that craves to see his/her page grow so badly, that they look for anyway to get more likes on Facebook and then do anything to get themObviously, they forget that ghosts and zombies and witches, don’t do any of the following:
1- They don’t generate engagement:
Have you ever heard of a ghost who can “like” or comment on a post?

2- They don’t answer questions nor participate in raffles or contests
(I’ve never seen a winning selfie of a ghost, but … who says it couldn’t happen?).  Even less can they be advocates of a brand or identify with the voice of an organization or company.  Neither can they use #hashtags to participate in a conversations , etc., etc., etc…
What we’re sayin is:  you get NOTHING IN RETURN, there’s no communication, there’s nothing real behind a “pack” of 10,000 fake fans.
You guys might say: “Oh, I know that, but it’s so hard to get your Facebook to grow these days, it’s so hard to get fans and get your posts to have “likes”, comments, and shares. Buying fans is just a push to get the page going and later we’ll work on keeping the momentum going!”
And I’d respond:
Talaga lung hu !  (oh really)
I know guys, it’s a little hard right now, and I think we’ve been a little spoiled by Facebook and we’ve been living the fake “American Dream” for a few years. But, like it or not, whether we agree or not, if it seems fair or not, today’s reality requires that we be super willing to give LOTS OF DEDICATION to our communities if we want them to grow. I’d love to say otherwise, but nope. There are no magic formulas for getting more likes on Facebook.
Nowadays, the 3 key elements to get more likes on Facebook are:
1 – Content (and everything related to it)
2 – Knowing your fans (who they are, what moves them, what times they’re connected, how they like being talked to, etc.)
3 – Understanding the nature of this social media channel.
So … how can you get more likes on Facebook?
Well , it’d be easier to just give you the typical “practical” advice that you might find on other blogs like “share images, make sure your posts are short, upload content when your fans are online, be consistent and publish at least 2 times per day, use hashtags, use an authentic voice, make your brand more human, do promotions, ” etc., etc., etc. .

But do you really know WHICH images your fans or potential fans actually like? Do you know what to say, how to talk to them, or even what they really want? Do you understand what kind of relationship you need to build with your fans on this platform or how to get them to help you get more fans? Do you know what people are looking for on Facebook and what you need to do in order to get in touch with their needs, satisfy them, and  then find the opportunity to connect deeply with them, and obviously take advantage?
“Ummmm, noo? …. “
Okay, I’ve actually had that face before. So, before loading you up with those practical tips that I mentioned above, (and it’s worth clarifying that they’re completely valid and will be developed thoroughly), I’d like to start with two of the three key issues that I said before (content, fans, and nature of the 

Understand the nature of Facebook to get more likes on Facebook

If you want to work seriously on building up your community, it’s  essential that you understand this part.
First, Why do people use Facebook?
Whether they be teenagers, everyone is looking to connect with friends and loved ones. Why? Because Facebook is a space for communicating, where we can express ourselves with confidence, where we bring together our “friends”, and let them see our private lives. It’s a place where we can say and share a certain intimacy and depth of our feelings, thoughts, tastes, values , etc. . . .
ople in their 30s, 40s, or even older;

This chart explains it quite well:

Play by Play Round By Round with Analysis by Sportscaster Pac vs Thur

Saturday, July 20, 2019



Jane Darna Deleon


Wednesday, March 20, 2019


DJKaBoCHING Love Radio Love Lang

breaking world record drugs cocaine seized

Sources said the feds seized 450 kilos of cocaine at the Port on board the Desiree. The drugs are valued at $27,000 per kilo. A popular facebook personality Jr Patatas ,says the United states do not need the walled border, it do not matter how high how sophisticated if somebody from inside is the problem he adds. Jr patatas served in 3 combat deployments to the operation iraqi freedom 1 and oif and oef operation enduring freedom and operation new dawn and end up in capturing osama bin laden at a pakistani military base after hiding over a decade. jr patatas added that we do not need the wall around our borders, the problem here is within america. it is the problem from the inside example is the airport , the pier, customs, airplanes, aircrafts and its operators,military or civilians, somebody from inside allowing or bringing these contrabands it could be people also or human trafficking in persons. this is your jr patatas reporting from facebook live mmb2 tambayan and pilipinas 3 sixty please subscribe and share https://manilamostwanted.blogspot.com/


Saturday, February 2, 2019


Nina Mojares, Miss New Jersey's Outstanding Teen 2016 Sings the National...

Nina Mojares, Miss New Jersey's Outstanding Teen 2016 Sings the National...