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Isis vs US Military in Afghanistan

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


DJKaBoCHING Love Radio Love Lang

breaking world record drugs cocaine seized

Sources said the feds seized 450 kilos of cocaine at the Port on board the Desiree. The drugs are valued at $27,000 per kilo. A popular facebook personality Jr Patatas ,says the United states do not need the walled border, it do not matter how high how sophisticated if somebody from inside is the problem he adds. Jr patatas served in 3 combat deployments to the operation iraqi freedom 1 and oif and oef operation enduring freedom and operation new dawn and end up in capturing osama bin laden at a pakistani military base after hiding over a decade. jr patatas added that we do not need the wall around our borders, the problem here is within america. it is the problem from the inside example is the airport , the pier, customs, airplanes, aircrafts and its operators,military or civilians, somebody from inside allowing or bringing these contrabands it could be people also or human trafficking in persons. this is your jr patatas reporting from facebook live mmb2 tambayan and pilipinas 3 sixty please subscribe and share https://manilamostwanted.blogspot.com/