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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Influencing a Facebook Group or Page

How to Get More Likes on Facebook Fan Pages and Posts

(Based on Studies/Researches)
Okay guys, I admit, I had to read a LOT, to reach the conclusion that ghosts are NOT the best audience for Facebook. Sorry for saying but neither are zombies or witches, who are now becoming quite fashionable again.
What’s this all about? It’s that honestly I don’t get why so many people are still insisting on buying and selling “fans” or “likes”. I’d like to think it’s the ingenuity of that entrepreneurial rookie that craves to see his/her page grow so badly, that they look for anyway to get more likes on Facebook and then do anything to get themObviously, they forget that ghosts and zombies and witches, don’t do any of the following:
1- They don’t generate engagement:
Have you ever heard of a ghost who can “like” or comment on a post?

2- They don’t answer questions nor participate in raffles or contests
(I’ve never seen a winning selfie of a ghost, but … who says it couldn’t happen?).  Even less can they be advocates of a brand or identify with the voice of an organization or company.  Neither can they use #hashtags to participate in a conversations , etc., etc., etc…
What we’re sayin is:  you get NOTHING IN RETURN, there’s no communication, there’s nothing real behind a “pack” of 10,000 fake fans.
You guys might say: “Oh, I know that, but it’s so hard to get your Facebook to grow these days, it’s so hard to get fans and get your posts to have “likes”, comments, and shares. Buying fans is just a push to get the page going and later we’ll work on keeping the momentum going!”
And I’d respond:
Talaga lung hu !  (oh really)
I know guys, it’s a little hard right now, and I think we’ve been a little spoiled by Facebook and we’ve been living the fake “American Dream” for a few years. But, like it or not, whether we agree or not, if it seems fair or not, today’s reality requires that we be super willing to give LOTS OF DEDICATION to our communities if we want them to grow. I’d love to say otherwise, but nope. There are no magic formulas for getting more likes on Facebook.
Nowadays, the 3 key elements to get more likes on Facebook are:
1 – Content (and everything related to it)
2 – Knowing your fans (who they are, what moves them, what times they’re connected, how they like being talked to, etc.)
3 – Understanding the nature of this social media channel.
So … how can you get more likes on Facebook?
Well , it’d be easier to just give you the typical “practical” advice that you might find on other blogs like “share images, make sure your posts are short, upload content when your fans are online, be consistent and publish at least 2 times per day, use hashtags, use an authentic voice, make your brand more human, do promotions, ” etc., etc., etc. .

But do you really know WHICH images your fans or potential fans actually like? Do you know what to say, how to talk to them, or even what they really want? Do you understand what kind of relationship you need to build with your fans on this platform or how to get them to help you get more fans? Do you know what people are looking for on Facebook and what you need to do in order to get in touch with their needs, satisfy them, and  then find the opportunity to connect deeply with them, and obviously take advantage?
“Ummmm, noo? …. “
Okay, I’ve actually had that face before. So, before loading you up with those practical tips that I mentioned above, (and it’s worth clarifying that they’re completely valid and will be developed thoroughly), I’d like to start with two of the three key issues that I said before (content, fans, and nature of the 

Understand the nature of Facebook to get more likes on Facebook

If you want to work seriously on building up your community, it’s  essential that you understand this part.
First, Why do people use Facebook?
Whether they be teenagers, everyone is looking to connect with friends and loved ones. Why? Because Facebook is a space for communicating, where we can express ourselves with confidence, where we bring together our “friends”, and let them see our private lives. It’s a place where we can say and share a certain intimacy and depth of our feelings, thoughts, tastes, values , etc. . . .
ople in their 30s, 40s, or even older;

This chart explains it quite well:

Play by Play Round By Round with Analysis by Sportscaster Pac vs Thur

Saturday, July 20, 2019



Jane Darna Deleon
